Built with Gork AI

A directory showcasing products built with Grok AI, offering filtering by category and a submission option for product inclusion.

AI ProductsProduct DirectoryGrok AI
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Project Description

BuiltWithGrokAI is a website showcasing products built using Grok AI. It functions as a directory, allowing users to discover and explore various applications leveraging Grok AI's capabilities. The site features a clean and modern design with a dark mode option. Users can filter products by category (e.g., SaaS, Productivity, AI Tools) using buttons. A search bar is also available for more specific searches. Furthermore, the platform allows users to submit their own Grok AI-powered products for inclusion and offers sponsored product placement opportunities. Its key features are its curated collection of products and easy navigation, making it a valuable resource for anyone interested in Grok AI applications.

A directory showcasing products built with Grok AI, offering filtering by category and a submission option for product inclusion.
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