Al Maze Generator

Generate, solve, and download custom mazes online with this tool; adjust size, color, and complexity.

Maze GeneratorPuzzleAI
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Project Description

AI Maze Generator is an online tool that allows users to create and solve custom mazes. Users can specify parameters such as wall thickness, maze dimensions (columns and rows), entry points (diagonal, horizontal, or vertical), and a bias towards horizontal or vertical pathways. The mazes are generated using the recursive backtracking algorithm, and a solution can be found using the A* search algorithm. Users can download their generated mazes as images, and a batch download feature allows for multiple maze creation and download in a single zip file. The platform offers customizable colors for the maze and background, providing a visually appealing experience. A built-in FAQ section addresses common user queries. Furthermore, the site includes links to related projects and resources. The site's key feature is its ease of use and ability to generate highly customizable mazes quickly.

Generate, solve, and download custom mazes online with this tool;  adjust size, color, and complexity.
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